Find Justice for Ukraine -Audio

Find Justice For Ukraine ©
by Cal Worthington


Play The Song Below

OBJECTIVE: To make this song an international clarion call against Putin’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine.  To use this song to raise money for the rescue of
over 20,000 Ukrainian children kidnapped and forcibly taken to Russia. And, to prosecute those guilty of war crimes.

HOW: By offering artists worldwide free use of this song to record and promote in their native language and musical genre with all proceeds donated directly to
UNITED 24 , President Zelensky’s official donation site for aid to Ukraine.
View at:

CONTACT: For official permission to record this song in support of Ukraine, contact song writer, Cal Worthington at:


Find Justice for me, find Justice for me.
Oh, Lord find Justice for me.

Narration: “On a peaceful February night in 2022, –  Vladimir Putin –  with blood lust for a new Russian Empire  –  unleashed death, and destruction upon a sleeping Ukraine.  –  With a gleaming blade of injustice  –  Putin severed life and limbs from thousands of innocent men, women, children .  –  Cities were reduced to ashes and millions of homeless refugees fled for their lives. –  Hear their cry for justice!”  

Lift up my hands, I can’t lift them alone.

Give strength to my arms, make them once again strong.

Speak words of wisdom for this silent voice.

Soothe my empty heart from its great remorse.

Lift me from the darkness, turn my face to the sun.

Find Justice for me, let Justice be done.

Find Justice for me, l can’t find it alone.

Find Justice for me, let my soul go home.

Hear the cries of my children alone in the night.

See the tears of my Lover in the pale moonlight.

See my hopes and dreams adrift on the sea.

See this empty space where my life should be.

I roam the Halls of Power like a mystical breeze.

Hear my cries O’ Judges, hear my silent plea.

I seek not vengeance, but for Justice I plead.

Remember my innocence, Oh, remember me.

Search the ends of the earth till Justice is done.

Find Justice for me turn my face to the sun.

Find Justice for me, set my Spirit free.

Let me cease to roam, let my Soul go home.

Let me cease to roam, let my soul go home.

Find Justice for me, find Justice for me.

Oh, Oh, Oh, Lord find Justice for me.

Oh, Oh, Oh, Lord find Justice for me.

Narration: “Let Justice be Done.”




Find Justice for me, find Justice for me.

Oh, Lord find Justice for me.

German Narration:

“In einer friedlichen Februarnacht im Jahr 2022 ließ – Vladimir Putin – wahnsinnig vor Blutdurst nach einem neuen russischen Imperium 

– Tod und Zerstörung über eine schlafende Ukraine los. – Mit einer schimmernden Klinge der Ungerechtigkeit –

 trennte Putin Tausenden von unschuldigen Männern, Frauen und Kindern Gliedmaßen und Leben ab. 

– Städte wurden in Schutt und Asche gelegt, und Millionen von obdachlosen Flüchtlingen flohen um ihr Leben.

Hör’ den Schrei der Ukraine nach Gerechtigkeit!” 

Lift up my hands, I can’t lift them alone.

Give strength to my arms, make them once again strong.

. . .

“Entfernt diesen Mann von der Macht.”


Знайдемо справедливість для України


Find Justice for me, find Justice for me.

Oh, Lord find Justice for me.

Ukrainian Narration:

“Одної мирної ночі у лютому 2022 року Володимир Путін збожеволів, забажавши із жадобою крові створити нову Російську імперію, та приніс сплячій Україні смерть і руйнування. Своїм лезом несправедливості Путін забрав життя тисяч невинних чоловіків, жінок і дітей. Міста були стерті у порох, а мільйони бездомних біженців втекли, рятуючи свої життя.”

“Почуйте крик України про допомогу!”

Lift up my hands, I can’t lift them alone.

Give strength to my arms, make them once again strong.

. . .

“Заберіть в цього чоловіка владу!”

U.S. Department of State, 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, dated April 22, 2024.

“… The Report highlights documentation of human rights violations and abuses – some amounting to crimes against humanity – throughout the second year of
Russia’s brutal, full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Civilians, including Ukrainian children, have suffered egregious abuses by Russian forces and other Russian
officials. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian children have been transferred within Russia-occupied parts of the Ukraine and/or deported to Russia, in many cases
taken from their parents or legal guardians and forced to take Russian names and citizenship…”

Anthony J. Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State: “Since Russia launched its war against Ukraine, Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General has registered 80,000 war crimes cases committed by members of Russia’s forces. . . . No matter how long it takes, the United States . . . (is) committed to pursuing justice for Ukraine and its people.”
May 11, 2023.